Hunter Prine

My name is Hunter (yes, that's my real name!) and I've been doing hair since 2016. For the last few years, I was at a large corporate salon, but in 2023 I decided I'd had enough of the florescent lights and creativity limiting rules and decided to open Vivid! I have always had a huge passion for working with vivid colors, but I deeply appreciate my blondes, brunettes, redheads and anything in between! I love nothing more than being able to fully customize a look for each individual person. As someone who was deeply insecure about their hair growing up, I know what an impact it can have on a woman's mental health to have "the right amount" of hair - and that's why I also offer a variety of extension methods! Extensions are one of my favorite services to do, as the incredible results are instant! I truly care about you and your hair, and in order to give you the best service possible, I am always researching and participating in extra education to keep up with the latest trends and techniques. Vivid is a safe place where all are welcome and celebrated for being themselves. I like to focus on how you feel, not just how you look. I will always be there to listen, laugh, cry or have a drink with you. I look forward to seeing you all soon!

Business Hours

1 PM - 9 PM
1 PM - 9 PM
1 PM - 9 PM
1 PM - 9 PM

Cancellation Policy

We get it that sometimes things come up and you may need to cancel. Hunter Prine has a 25% cancellation fee. If you are unable to make the appointment, please kindly notify Hunter Prine at 8159017555 or as soon as possible to reschedule.